About the Journal

The Multidisciplinary Journal Epistemology of the Sciences is quarterly open-access academic publication dedicated to the dissemination and discussion of research in all fields of science from an epistemological perspective. Our goal is to explore and analyze the foundations, methods, and applications of scientific knowledge in disciplines such as natural sciences, exact sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Scope and Focus of the Journal

The journal is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach and covers epistemology topics that apply to all areas of scientific knowledge. We publish original research, theoretical essays, critical reviews, and case studies addressing:

  • Philosophy and theory of science
  • Methodology and scientific research techniques
  • Interactions between science, technology, ethics, and society
  • Problems and dilemmas in the generation and validation of knowledge
  • Epistemological innovation in education and science communication

Our inclusive and multidisciplinary approach allows us to bring together research from specialists in disciplines such as biology, physics, mathematics, economics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, literature, and cultural studies, among others. The journal is an ideal space for scholars interested in the intersection of scientific knowledge and its philosophical foundations, as well as the impact of science on society.