Obtaining synthetic fuels from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) waste Through Simulation in Aspen Plus ®
recycling, polyethylene, pyrolysis, synthetic fuels, Aspen Plus®Abstract
The recycling of plastics, especially high-density polyethylene (HDPE), has gained relevance due to its environmental impact. Pyrolysis, a thermal decomposition process, is emerging as a viable solution to convert this waste into synthetic fuels, thereby reducing the accumulation of plastics. The objective of this study is to simulate, using Aspen Plus®, the pyrolysis process of HDPE to obtain synthetic fuels. Aspen Plus® software was used to model and simulate optimal pyrolysis conditions, analyzing parameters such as temperature and residence time. The results show that, under specific conditions, the process can generate products with properties similar to conventional fuels. The conclusions highlight the potential of pyrolysis as an alternative for the recovery of plastic waste and its applicability in the production of renewable fuels, contributing to environmental sustainability.
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