Quick guide to genetic analysis for mixed models with WOMBAT





WOMBAT, genetic value, animal model, mixed model, REML


The identification of the best individuals is based on obtaining the genetic values ​​(GV), or best linear unbiased predictors (BLUP) as they are also known, which allow the identification of genetically superior or inferior animals in the herd. A computer program widely used worldwide to calculate the GV is WOMBAT, which was written in FORTRAN95 by Dr. Karin Meyer and launched on the market in 2005. WOMBAT uses the methodology of mixed linear models under the REML method. A database of weaning weight in cattle was used to show the use of WOMBAT in calculating the GV using 3 different models. For the 3 models different results were found for the GV. It can be concluded that WOMBAT-REML can predict the GV of animals for the characteristics using efficient algorithms under mixed models, its use is recommended for the genetic evaluation of characteristics of zootechnical interest in animal populations.


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Computational Sciences

How to Cite

Quick guide to genetic analysis for mixed models with WOMBAT. (2025). Multidisciplinary Journal Epistemology of the Sciences, 2(1), 19-39. https://doi.org/10.71112/pw47g958

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