How does ethanol affect the behavior of different species of nematode worms?
C. elegans, Caenorhabditis, Etanol, Nematodes, Environmental stressorsAbstract
This study examined the impact of ethanol on nematode species from the Caenorhabditis genus, commonly found in ethanol-rich environments. Adult nematodes from different species were exposed to various ethanol concentrations, assessing their speed, body curvature, and egg production. Results showed that at higher ethanol concentrations, speed responses were similar across species. However, C. sp27 displayed lower speed at 100 mM but higher speed at greater concentrations. Regarding body curvature, C. angaria and C. sp27 maintained greater flexibility than C. elegans in the presence of ethanol. Egg production was significantly reduced in C. angaria at low ethanol concentrations, while C. elegans showed decreased egg-laying at 100 mM but increased production at 200 and 400 mM. This study highlights the variable responses of Caenorhabditis species to ethanol and suggests further research on its effects on development and the expression of the slo-1 gene. These findings contribute to understanding diverse responses to environmental stressors.
Keywords: C. elegans, Caenorhabditis, Etanol, Nematodes, Environmental stressors
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