Methodological strategies for teaching-learning in students of the basic elementary sublevel of the Rvdo Jorge Sánchez Moreno educational unit
methodological strategies, teaching-learning, basic elementary sublevelAbstract
The research is about Methodological strategies for teaching-learning in students of the basic elementary sub-level of the educational unit Rvdo Jorge Sánchez Moreno. The general objective is to analyze the implementation of methodological strategies in the teaching-learning process in students, the specific objectives Theoretically identify the methodological strategies in the teaching-learning process in students of basic elementary of the Educational Unit Rvdo Jorge Sánchez Moreno, to improve the understanding of learning. Evaluate through the application of research instruments the effectiveness of methodological strategies in the teaching-learning process, to improve the understanding of learning. Propose methodological strategies for the teaching-learning process, how techniques for collecting information were used observation guides, field diaries and for the interview the interview guide instrument was used, it was applied to 1 teacher and 12 students of the sub-elementary level. The results obtained from the observation of the teacher revealed that she has an optimal academic training and the ability to solve various problems in the educational environment. However, a significant lack of integration of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) in the applied methodological strategies was observed, which could enrich the teaching-learning process. It is concluded that it is crucial to implement continuous training programs for teachers in the use of digital tools and active methodologies that integrate TIC effectively, this will improve teaching-learning.
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